
Get started supporting your tween/teen’s learning at home 

Setting up your tween/teen for success doing homework at home is worth your time and attention, as you are helping them create habits for life! As a parent/guardian, you have a critical role in creating space and supporting your child to grow in independence and confidence.   

Gaining independence can take time. Even though your tween/teen may be growing quickly and look like a full-sized adult, their brain is still developing. Start early and be patient with your child and yourself. Each family environment is different, but here are some key actions to set up your child for success at home.  

Consistent Routines  

We know that kids thrive on routines. Our tweens and teens are no different. Setting up routines helps them establish good habits. Include your child in setting up regular homework time to give them some control over finding the best time.     

  • Consistency is key.   
  • Establish routines for study, homework, and other tasks.   
  • Consider the best space. Can you remove distractions or find a space with fewer distractions? What input does your tween/teen have on the best space for them to concentrate?   
  • Set a time for homework/review. Find ways that work for your tween/teen to remember this time. Try out setting alarms, using calendars/agendas, or visual reminders in your home. 
  • Plan a time to step back and see how this is working. Does your tween/teen need support to change the routine (new activities are interfering, sleep habits, changes at school, etc.)?  

Support from your LDS Instructor and Family Coaching    

If your child is working with an LDS instructor for homework support, they are already working on organization and time management skills to help them plan and prepare for school tests and assignments.   

Reach out to LDS for family coaching if you have questions on how best to support your child at home. Our team can help you understand the strategies the instructor is using to enhance organization and planning. A collaborative approach ensures that these skills are reinforced and aligned.  

Look for more tips in Part Two: Practical tips to support your tween/teen’s learning at home.

– Anisa Chaudhry, Case Manager and Instructor

LDS is a community of dedicated professionals who write collaboratively. We recognize the contribution of unnamed team members for their wisdom and input.