Evalyn A.


Doctor of Philosophy in Reading Education, Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts, Bachelor of Secondary Education in English

Evalyn (she/her) is a lifelong learner and a dedicated educator with years of professional training in English language teaching. She holds a Bachelor of Secondary Education in English, a Master of Arts in Teaching English Language Arts, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Reading Education. Her passion for teaching English as a second language (TESL) has inspired her to pursue further education at the University of British Columbia. Coming from humble beginnings, she has instilled in herself the value of continuous learning and developed a profound interest in literacy, recognizing its crucial role in both personal and social development. Her professional experience working with ESL learners and students with intellectual and developmental disabilities drives her to deepen her engagement in literacy and inclusive education.  

Outside of her professional life, Evalyn cherishes her time at home, lovingly embracing the roles of a wife and mother. Taking pleasure from simple joys, she delights in cooking for her loved ones, enjoying morning walks with her dog, and embracing the tranquility of nature. She views daily undertakings as valuable learning opportunities, allowing her to fulfill her life’s purpose.